Wednesday 5 November 2008

Christian Kerrigan

Growing a hidden Architecture

growing ship
Christian Kerrigan’s project, Growing a Ship in a Yew Forest “explores the possibilities of a symbiotic relationship between two different systems of organization, technology and nature— to theoretically alter newly planted trees in the last remaining Yew forest.”(Kingley Vale)

Architect & Editor of ‘The Space Between’magazine, Christian Kerrigan investigates in his recent work, how man’s ability to control his surroundings is intimately linked with his advancing capabilities of using technology. Christian says “We have reached a point in our evolution where we are now capable of creating design criteria to manipulate natural growth and development.”

By controlling the manipulation of refined armatures, calibrating devices and designed corsets; the system is capable of controlling the growth of a ship inside the forest. The ship will grow over a period of two hundred years and will exist as a hidden architecture inside the trees.

forrest view

growing ship

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